Gregory Ashe

 Gregory Ashe 's Books

A very well recieved series by Gregory Ashe are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Declination, Redirection, Fold Thunder, Hazard and Somerset, Police Brutality (Hazard and Somerset: A Union of Swords Book 2), Wayward, The Same End (The Lamb and the Lion Book 3), The Dew of Flesh, The Same End, The Keeper of Bees ARC, Orientation (Borealis Investigations Book 1), The Indifferent Children of the Earth, The Mortal Sleep (Hollow Folk Book 4), The Rational Faculty (Hazard and Somerset: A Union of Swords Book 1), The Weeping Lore (Witte & Co. Investigations Book 1), Pretty Pretty Boys, Transposition, Paternity Case, which was published in 2022.